Menlo Park, California, September 6, 2011 – The Product Realization Group, a leading provider of integrated product life-cycle services for electronic high technology businesses, introduces New Product Introduction (NPI) assessments for electronic high technology businesses. These services bring senior level consultants in four key technical disciplines together to accelerate time-to-market, meet standards and regulations, lower costs, and reduce risks for bringing new products to market. Expertise includes:
- Mechanical and Industrial Design
- Electrical and Software Design
- Reliability and Compliance
- Operations and Supply Chain
“The NPI Technical Assessment offers high impact senior level technical expertise that enable companies to save costs, achieve regulatory compliance, and avoid the traditional risks associated with accelerating the introduction of new high technology products into the market” said Michael Keer, Founder and CEO of the Product Realization Group.
This new offering was created to help US companies counter the increasing competition from emerging economies, such as China and India, who are developing higher technology products while taking advantage of lower local wage rates, and are putting increased pressure on US businesses to accelerate the introduction of new products at lower costs.
Read about this offering in more detail here: